居家安寧療護必修課:癌症患者的最終旅程 330-012C
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Creating a Geriatric Emergency Department: A Practical Guide
$920 $968
Reichel's Care of the Elderly: Clinical Aspects of Aging
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高齡者義齒照護 133-036C ★內附8個「食物測試」影片★
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在宅醫療實踐手冊 320-020C
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Diagnostic Pathology: Head and Neck
$10,660 $11,221
$855 $950
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320-6823 Murtagh's General Practice
$4,038 $4,250
320-019 在宅居家醫療實務-跨專業守護在宅新生活
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320-2229 Murtagh's General Practice
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320020-9811 Swanson's Family Medicine Review
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Practical General Practice: Guidelines for Effective Clinic
$2,328 $2,451
Graber & Wilbur's Family Medicine Examination and Board Revi
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319-4056 Gerontology for the Health Care Professional
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$900 $1,000
CDT:Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
$2,755 $2,900
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