婦產科國考精粹(收錄106~113年國考試題) 020501-003C
$405 $450
【551-1453】Pocket Notebook: Pocket Pediatrics(活頁)
Red Book: 2024-2027 Report of the Committee on Infectious
$5,986 $6,301
Obstetrics by Ten Teachers (ISE) 501-5829
$810 $900
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers (ISE) 501-5804
Simkin's Labor Progress Handbook 501-5446
$1,395 $1,550
活在尿道下裂:讓你明白患者的生涯紀實(Living with Hypospadias 2021/1E) 995-028C
$252 $280
First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship 【551020-6449】
$1,575 $1,750
Essentials of Pediatric Urology 750-0223
$2,993 $3,151
Ambulatory Urology and Urogynaecology 501750-5229
$4,156 $4,375
Manual of Urodynamics for Gynaecologists 501750-3222
$1,711 $1,801
$522 $580
Clinical Guide to Paediatrics 551-3911
$2,090 $2,200
ACoRN: Acute Care of at-Risk Newborns
$3,824 $4,025
Pediatric Bronchoscopy for Clinicians 551311-1728
$2,718 $2,861
Neinstein's Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care
$4,988 $5,251
The Harriet Lane Handbook 【551-7698】/IE版【551-7880】
$1,710 ~ $2,070
Perloff's Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease
$6,784 $7,141
Practical Neonatal Echocardiography 551312-2313
$4,465 $4,700
Moller's Essentials of Pediatric Cardiology 551312-2973
$2,826 $2,975
Timor's Ultrasonography of the Prenatal Brain 501309-3616
$11,604 $12,215
Oxorn-Foote Human Labor & Birth 501-1941
$3,135 $3,300
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatric Neurology
$3,292 $3,465
寶貝睡眠大解密-讓你搞懂孩子睡覺的事 【551-084C】
$315 $350
Pediatric Diagnostic Medicine: A Collection of Cases
$1,730 $1,821
Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies
$4,986 $5,248
兒童精神科診斷性會談量表(DSM-5) 851-084C
$585 $650
551-6998 current pediatrics
$2,470 $2,600
$1,800 $2,000
產科超音波問題導向解析 【501309-067C】
$630 $700
Williams Obstetrics (IE) 501-9843 ISBN#9781264598434
Clinical Cases in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health
$1,475 $1,553
Nelson Pediatric Symptom-Based Diagnosis
$3,231 $3,401
Case Files Obstetrics and Gynecology (IE)
$855 $900
Case Files Pediatrics (IE)
The Philadelphia Guide: Inpatient Pediatrics
Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics (IE)
$1,547 $1,628
【041-673】實用新生兒科醫療手冊 (第二版)<較久出貨日>
502-0124 Oxorn-Foote Human Labor & Birth (IE)
$903 $950
501-0974 abbe's Obstetrics Essentials
$1,829 $1,925
501-7272 Johns Hopkins Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynecology
$1,995 $2,100
Foundations in Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
551-4932 Avery's Neonatology Board Review
$3,326 $3,501
551-0854 Klaus and Fanaroff''s Care of the High-Risk Neonate
551315-5302 Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
$6,840 $7,200
551318-8603 Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children
$3,800 $4,000
55284E-2334 Atlas of Pediatric EEG With DVD
551351-4866 Atlas of Pediatric and Neonatal ICU EEG
$6,484 $6,825
712P-001C 兒童肥胖預防與治療
55214-001C 臨床案例-小兒科
503750-001C 當代婦女泌尿暨骨盆醫學
$891 $990
503750-002C 臨床婦女泌尿學手冊
$162 $180
551401-079C Concise Atlas of Pediatric Surgery (2E)
$618 $650
551-080C 肥胖治療手冊-嬰幼兒.兒童及青少年臨床處置指引
$207 $230
551-081C 如何面對兒童疼痛-從心理.生理談處置
$495 $550
5521-2905 On Call Pediatrics
$1,235 $1,300
551-7289 Paediatric Clinical Examination Made Easy (IE)
$666 $701
The Washington Manual of Pediatrics 551-9058
551-1752 Paediatric Symptom and Sign Sorter
$2,054 $2,162
551-4723 100 Cases in Paediatrics
$1,093 $1,151
551-6869 Pediatric Practice Guidelines
Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound:How, Why and When
$2,351 $2,475
551-2025 Clinical Guidelines in Neonatology
$1,900 $2,000
551-1319 Neonatology at a Glance
$1,330 $1,400
Cloherty and Stark's Manual of Neonatal Care 551-5952
$2,070 $2,300
501-7643 Myles Textbook for Midwives (IE)
$1,425 $1,500
552325-0554 Moffet's Pediatric Infectious Diseases
$2,375 $2,500
991551-6729 Clinical Paediatric Dietetics
$4,487 $4,723
Pediatric Advanced Life Support Study Guide (Pals)
$1,805 $1,900
Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics 2023/9E 純紙本 / 紙本+電子書
$2,090 ~ $2,660
551-3665 Pediatric Secrets
$1,568 $1,650
501-3487 Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology
$1,980 $2,200
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