701-032C 老年皮膚疾病診療手冊(AColorHandbook:SkinDiseasesinth

701-032C 老年皮膚疾病診療手冊(AColorHandbook:SkinDiseasesinth

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ISBN 9789863681045
作者/出版社 *鄭煜彬 / 合記
出版年代/版次 2016/1


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前言 /    3

縮寫        / 4

推薦讀物 /    4

譯者序    / 5

PART 1 皮膚隨著年齡的變化(Skin changes with aging)  / 7

        ˙年齡相關的萎縮(Age-related atrophy) /   8

        ˙日光性萎縮(Solar atrophy) / 9

        ˙瘀血(Bruising)      / 9

        ˙乾燥(Xerosis)       / 10

        ˙靜脈曲張(Varicosities)        / 10

PART 2 發炎性皮膚病(Inflammatory skin disease)   / 13

自體免疫(Autoimmune)  / 14

˙       類天疱瘡(Bullous pemphigoid)   / 14

˙       瘢痕性類天皰瘡(黏膜類天疱瘡)

[Cicatricial pemphigoid (mucous membrane pemphigoid)]     / 16

˙       皮肌炎(Dermatomycositis)  / 17

˙       急性皮膚紅斑性狼瘡(全身性紅斑性狼瘡)

[Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus

(Systemiclupus erythematosus)]        / 18

˙       亞急性皮膚紅斑性狼瘡

(Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus)    / 20

˙圓盤性紅斑性狼瘡(Discoid lupus erythematosus)  / 22

˙硬皮症(Scleroderma)  / 24

˙天疱瘡(Pemphigus)    / 26

˙修格連氏症候群(Sjögren syndrome)        / 29

嗜中性球皮膚病(Neutrophilic dermatoses) /         30

˙史維特症候群(Sweet syndrome)       / 30

˙壞疽性膿皮症(Pyoderma gangrenosum) /      32

過敏反應(Allergic and hypersensitivity processes)       / 33

˙藥物疹(Drug eruptions)      / 33


        (Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis)       / 35


溶解症(Stevens-Johnson syndrome/Toxic epidermal necrolysis) / 36

光線相關疾病(Photorelated conditions) / 38

˙多形性日光疹(Polymorphous light eruption) /         38

˙光毒性/光敏感性反應  (Phototoxic/Photoallergic reactions)  / 38


〔Chronic actinic dermatitis(actinic reticuloid)〕 /   40

˙緩發性皮膚病變紫質症       (Porphyria cutanea tarda)   / 42

其他發炎性疾病(Other inflammatory conditions)  / 44

˙乾癬(Psoriasis)    / 44

˙毛孔性紅糠疹(Pityriasis rubra pilaris)        / 46

˙脂漏性皮膚炎(Seborrheic dermatitis)       / 47

˙對磨疹(Intertrigo) / 48

˙       缺脂性濕疹(Asteatotic eczema) / 49

˙扁平苔蘚(Lichen planus)    / 50

˙       接觸性皮膚炎(Contact dermatitis)      / 52

˙錢幣狀皮膚炎(Nummular dermatitis)        / 54

˙蕁麻疹〔Urticaria(hives)〕 / 55

˙玫瑰斑/酒糟(Rosacea)       / 56

˙硬化(萎縮)性苔蘚        [Lichen sclerosus (et atrophicus)]       / 58


        (Neurodermatitis/Prurigo nodularis/Lichen simplex chronicus)      / 59


        (Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis) / 60

˙Grover氏症(Grover disease)     / 61

˙環形遠心性紅斑(Erythema annulare centrifugum) / 62

˙結節性紅斑(Erythema nodosum)      / 63

PART 3 皮膚的腫瘤(Neoplasms of the skin)      / 65

惡性(Malignant)      / 66

˙基底細胞癌(Basal cell carcinoma)    / 66

˙日光性角化(Actinic keratosis)    / 68

˙鱗狀細胞癌(Squamous cell carcinona)    / 70

˙角化棘皮瘤(Keratoacanthoma) / 72

˙(惡性)黑色素瘤(Malignant melanoma)     / 74

˙皮脂腺癌(Sebaceous carcinoma)     / 76

˙血管肉瘤(Angiosarcoma)   / 77

˙卡波西氏肉瘤(Kaposi sarcoma)        / 78

˙皮膚B細胞淋巴瘤(Cutaneous B-cell lymphoma)  / 79

˙皮膚T細胞淋巴瘤(Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)   / 80

PART 4 寄生與感染(Infestations and infections)      / 103

PART 5 代謝與營養性疾病(Metabolic and nutritional disease) / 115

PART 6 全身性疾病的皮膚徵象(Skin signs of systemic disease)  / 121

索引(Index)    / 134