生物張力共構:生命結構的基石 【460-082C】

生物張力共構:生命結構的基石 【460-082C】

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ISBN 9789863684558

作者/出版社 *楊怡強 / 合記*

出版年代/版次 2022/1

重量:0.55kg 頁數:208 裝訂:平裝 開數:23*17 cm  印刷:彩色


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第 1 章 • 張力共構 (Tensegrity) 1

第 2 章 • 複雜生物體中的簡單幾何學 (Simple geometry in complex organisms)11

第 3 章 • 無形之力的平衡 (The b

第 4 章 • 機械力學的缺陋 (The problem with mechanics) 37

第 5 章 • 自主的細胞 (The autonomous cell) 49

6 章 • 曲折的故事 (The twist in the tale) 61

7 章 • 輕而易舉的動作 (The ease of motion) 73

8 章 • 「堅硬」與「柔軟」 (The 'hard' and the 'soft') 87

顱頂 (The cranial vault) 87

幾何模型 (The geometric model) 88

由直而彎 (Straight into curves) 88

解剖的基礎 (Anatomical basics) 89

胚胎發育 (Embryonic development) 89

整合的顱骨 (The integrated cranium) 91

顱部病變 (Cranial pathologies) 92

顳頜關節或頜關節 (The temporomandibular or jaw

joint) 92

爭議點 (The controversy) 92

關節力學 (Joint mechanics) 92

順應的關節盤 (The compliant disk) 93

動態的張力系統 (The dynamic tension system) 93



of compression floating in a sea of tension) 95

徒手治療的妙手 (The therapeutic touch) 95

整合的網路 (The integrated network) 96

功能性運動學 (Functional kinematics) 96

肌肉的連結 (The muscular link) 96

一路至此的故事 (The story so far) 97

9 章 • 近一點看 (A closer look) 99

張力與壓迫力 (Tension and compression) 100

吸引力與排斥力 (Attraction and repulsion) 100

拉與推 (Pull and push) 100

無限多的可能 (The possibilities are endless) 101

纜繩及支柱 (Cables and struts) 102

失落的支柱 (The lost strut) 102

找尋缺少的壓迫力 (A search for the missing

compression) 103

完全取決於觀點 (It is all about perspective) 104

多連桿結構組織 (Multibar organization) 105

幾何規範 (Geometric regulation) 105

簡單演變為複雜 (Simple evolving into complex) 105

直線或曲線 (Straight or curved) 106

減少應力 (Reducing the stress) 107

球體幾何學 (Spherical geometry) 108

解剖學的細微差異 (The nuances of anatomy) 108

10章 • 生物界裡的「複雜」規律 ('Complex' patterns in biology) 109

空間的占據 (The filling of space) 110

對偶性 (Duality) 110

費波那契數列及黃金分割律 (The Fibonacci sequence and Golden

Mean) 111

等價 (Equivalence) 112

準等價及球形病毒 (Quasi-equivalence and the

spherical viruses) 112

潘洛斯圖案 (Penrose Tiling) 113

碎形 (The fractal) 114

連結的鏈結 (The connecting links) 116

軟物質 (Soft matter) 116

準晶體 (Quasicrystals) 116

更高維 (Higher dimensions) 117

雙曲幾何 (Hyperbolic geometry) 118

這一切代表著什麼呢? (What does this all mean?) 120

11章 • 生物張力共構:生物力學的合理方案


a rational approach to biomechanics) 121

骨骼 (The skeleton) 121

骨頭 (Bones) 121

肌肉 (Muscles) 122

結締組織 (Connective tissues) 122

筋膜 (The fascia) 122

多面體網路 (The polyhedral network) 123

新現實 (A new reality) 124

間動力學 (Mesokinetics) 124

解開舊觀念 (Unraveling the old ideas) 125

錯位的智慧 (A misplaced wisdom) 125

全面性協同作用(A global synergy) 126

動作之簡單的複雜性 (The simple complexity of motion) 126

動作的動力學 (The dynamics of movement) 127

運動的控制 (The control of motion) 127

力量轉移 (Transferring the power) 128

治療學 (Therapeutics) 129

觀點的改變 (A change in perception) 129

平衡的轉移 (A shift in balance) 129

生物張力共構模型 (The biotensegrity model) 130

基礎科學 (Basic science) 131

12章 • 生物張力共構—生命結構的基石 (the structural basis of life) 133

第一原理 (First principles) 134

柏拉圖形狀與它們的延伸 (The Platonic shapes and where they

lead to) 134

簡易幾何學 (Simple geometry) 134

科技 (The technology) 136

看不見的核心 (The unseen core) 137

形態的浮現 (The emergence of form) 137

定律們 (The laws) 137

熵 (Entropy) 138

流的架構 (The architecture of flow) 138

形態發生領域 (The morphogenetic field) 139

生物張力共構 (Biotensegrity) 140

資訊的流動 (The flow of information) 140

流量的循環(The cycle of flow) 140

連貫性 (The continuity) 141

有功能的生物體 (The functional organism) 141