北海船隊 Convoy North 飛利浦麥卡琴 Philip McCutchan 護衛船團艦隊驅逐艦 U-boat潛艇

北海船隊 Convoy North 飛利浦麥卡琴 Philip McCutchan 護衛船團艦隊驅逐艦 U-boat潛艇

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Philip McCutchan


The grand admiral of the high seas adventure novel is Philip McCutchan, author of nearly 100 novels. Now, leading the first trade paperback edition of any of McCutchan's work, Convoy North portrays the popular Commodore John Mason Kemp battling World War II's German air and sea attacks in the waters of Norway's North Cape.

----------------- Excerpt -----------------

After a while Amory gathered up his papers and shoved them away in a drawer. He lit a cigarette and drew in a lungful of smoke, pushing himself back at arm's length from his desk. His glance fell on three photographs in silver frames; his mother and father, taken some years before – his father was wearing the uniform of a police superintendent. Amory grinned to himself; his father had always been a copper, on and off duty, never let up, do this, do that, get your hair cut, don't come home late, where have you been… no doubt it had been good training and had helped the young Ben Amory through a tough sea apprenticeship lasting four years plus. But it hadn't made home life easy and it had worn his mother out, worn her literally to death.

The third photograph was of a young woman. She, too, was dead: a Nazi bomb on London, back in the days of the Battle of Britain, more than a year ago now. Ben Amory had considered himself a confirmed bachelor until he had met Felicity, who was some years younger than himself and had captivated him from his first sight of her. They hadn't married: Hitler had beaten the banns. So bachelordom was back. Amory knew there would never be anybody else. He had picked up the silver frame when a knock came at his door.

He put the frame down as though caught out in some guilty act. 'Yes?'

It was the watchman from the gangway. 'Boat coming off from Oban, Sir.'

'Approaching us?'

'Yes, sir. Could be the…'

----------------- Excerpt -----------------

■飛利浦.唐諾.麥卡琴/Philip Donald McCutchan(1920/10/13–1996/07)

麥卡琴1920年10月13日出生於劍橋市(Cambridge),為英國著名軍武海事作家。麥卡琴自小在樸茨茅斯(Portsmouth)海港城市的薰陶下長大,遂養成其終身對海洋的熱愛。二次大戰期間曾於多艘船艦服役,後麥卡琴以其豐富軍事學養勤於筆耕,生前出版軍事著作多達百廿餘本,當中又以唐諾.卡麥隆海事驚悚系列(Donald Cameron Naval Thriller)以及詹姆士歐戈維系列(James Ogilvie)而享譽文壇。麥卡琴於'96年病逝於英國海濱城市沃辛(Worthing)。

Newest novel, The Second Mate, is available in hardcover from St. Martin's Press. His other naval adventure series include the Cameron, Halfhyde, and Tom Chatto vovels. McCutchan lives and writes in England. July 1996, McCutchan died in Worthing, England.

作者:飛利浦.麥卡琴/Philip McCutchan

系列:Convoy Series

版本:First Edition

規格:平裝/Paperback,13.9 x 21 x 1.5 cm,184頁

出版商:St. Martin's Press





Condition: Good, with crease at the corner of the back cover. Pre-owned title with no missing pages or anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text. All pages are intact, with dust jacket.


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