重量:0.65kg 頁數:184 裝訂:平裝 開數: 26 x 21 cm 印刷:彩色
本書依照「at a Glance」系列書的特色,以一頁圖與一頁文字、表的方式呈現,除了有條理的文字說明並輔以易於理解的圖及表格,精要地介紹急診處置上重要的主題。內容從患者初步評估、氣道和呼吸、循環、失能等共12個部分,除此還包括傷害評估、照護準則和常見緊急情況,以及涵蓋與急診相關的其他資訊,亦提供線上測驗,讓讀者能在任何時刻學習與複習,不論是護理系學生、新接觸急診護理的護理師,或進入緊急、非預期照護領域的醫療人員,都能快速上手的實用資訊。
作者群 (Contributors) iii
序言 (Preface) v
致謝 (Acknowledgements) v
關於相關網站 (About the companion website) vi
Part 1 初步患者評估 (Initial patient assessment)1
1 急診護理的環境 (The context of emergency nursing) 2
2 到院前照護 (Pre-hospital care) 4
3 檢傷分類 (Triage) 6
4 「ABCDE」方法 (The ‘ABCDE’ approach) 8
5 追蹤和觸發系統 (Track and trigger systems) 10
6 疼痛 (Pain) 12
Part 2氣道和呼吸 (Airway and breathing)15
7 氣道評估和處置 (Airway assessment and management) 16
8 評估呼吸 (Assessment of breathing) 18
9 氧氣治療 (Oxygen therapy) 20
10 呼吸系統問題 (Respiratory conditions) 22
Part 3循環 (Circulation)25
11 評估循環 (Assessment of circulation) 26
12 循環介入治療 (Circulation interventions) 28
13 休克 (Shock) 30
14 12導程心電圖 [12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG)] 32
15 心律不整 (Cardiac arrhythmias) 34
16 急性冠心症 (Acute coronary syndromes, ACS) 36
17 心衰竭 (Heart failure) 38
18 高級救命術 (Advanced life support, ALS) 40
Part 4失能 (Disability)43
19 評估神經功能 (Assessment of neurological function) 44
20 意識不清病人 (The unconscious patient) 46
21 中風 (Stroke) 48
22 癲癇發作 (Seizures) 50
23 頭痛 (Headache) 52
Part 5緊急情況和問題 (Emergency presentations and conditions)55
24 腹痛 (Abdominal pain) 56
25 胃腸道出血 (Gastrointestinal bleed) 58
26 生殖泌尿道問題 (Genitourinary conditions) 60
27 急性腎損傷 (Acute kidney injury, AKI) 62
28 糖尿病急症 (Diabetic emergencies) 64
29 產科和婦科 (Obstetrics and gynaecology) 66
Part 6中毒和藥物過量 (Poisoning and overdose)71
30 中毒:評估和處置 (Poisoning: Assessment and management) 72
31 中毒:處方和非處方藥物 (Poisoning: Prescription and non-prescription drugs) 74
32 中毒:其他物質 (Poisoning: Other substances) 76
33 酒精濫用 (Alcohol misuse) 78
Part 7感染性疾病 (Infectious diseases)81
34 感染性疾病 (Infectious diseases) 82
35 法定通報疾病 (Notifiable diseases) 84
36 性傳播感染 (Sexually transmitted infections, STI) 86
Part 8弱勢病人族群 (Vulnerable patient groups)89
37 家庭暴力 (Domestic abuse) 90
38 性侵害 (Sexual assault) 92
39 急診室的精神病人 [The mental health patient in the emergency department (ED)] 94
40 風險評估、自殘和自殺 (Risk assessment, self-harm and suicide) 96
41 常見精神問題 (Common mental health problems) 98
42 失智病人 (The patient with dementia) 100
43 智能障礙病人 (The patient with an intellectual disability) 102
Part 9急診室裡的兒童 (Children in the emergency department)105
44 急診室裡的兒童 [Children in the emergency department (ED)] 106
45 兒童保護 (Safeguarding children) 108
46 辨識病童 (Recognising the