3162-002C 風濕免疫科與相關內科疾病之病例探討

3162-002C 風濕免疫科與相關內科疾病之病例探討

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院長序  v

自序    vi

1 Learning from the short history(從簡短病史中學習)   1

2 Learning from the pictures(從臨床圖片中學習)    11

3 Learning from the image(從影像學習) 29

3.1  Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)(僵直性脊椎炎)    30

3.2  Other diseases except for AS(非僵直性脊椎炎以外疾病) 45

4 Learning from the concise case report(從簡短病例報告學習)   77

4.1 AS(僵直性脊椎炎)  78

4.2 Behcet’s disease(貝西氏病)    98

4.3 Bursitis(黏液囊炎)    100

4.4 Crystals(結晶性)  101

4.5 Dermatomyositis(皮肌炎)   105

4.6 DISH(原因不明擴散型骨增生症)  110

4.7 Drug(藥物引起的)  111

4.8 Eosinophilic fasciitis(嗜酸性筋膜炎)  115

4.9 Infection(感染引起)   116

4.10 Miscellaneous(綜合)  125

4.11 OA(退化性關節炎) 133

4.12 Paraneoplastic syndrome(腫瘤伴生徵候群)  135

4.13 PSA(乾癬關節炎)  138

4.14 PSS(硬皮症)  146

4.15 RA(類風溼關節炎) 148

4.16 Sarcoidosis(類肉瘤病)    162

4.17 Sjogren’s syndrome(休格蘭氏症候群-乾燥症)    164

4.18 SLE(紅斑性狼瘡)  165

4.19 Sweet’s syndrome(史維特症候群)   192

4.20 Unclassified arthritis(其他未分類關節炎) 194

4.21 Vasculitis(血管炎)   195

5 Learning from the detailed case report and discussion

(從詳盡之病例報告及討論中學習)    199

5.1 An AS patient and hypereosinophilic enteritis.  200

5.2 An AS patient with peripheral polyarthritis.    211

5.3 Case-1: A 69 year-old female with coexistence of Behcet’s disease

and SLE. Case-2: Coexistence of Behcet’s disease and

spondyloarthropathy.    220

5.4 Case-1: Leukocytoclastic vasculitis developed in a SLE with suspicious RA. Case-2: A case of Bullous SLE.    233

5.5 A case of dermatomyositis.  246

5.6 A dermatomyosistis patient with non-small cell carcinoma of lung.   249

5.7 A case of eosinophilic fasciitis.   264

5.8 The rare disorder-Erthromelalgia.   270

5.9 The neuro-ophthalmic complications of Wegner’s granulomatosis.  277

5.10 A SLE patient with thrombotic microangiopathy. 292

5.11 A case of idiopathic hypereosinophilia and cardiac involvement.    302

5.12 Pulmonary involvement in RA.   313

5.13 A case of SLE and PBC. 327

5.14 Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus. 335

5.15 Is there coexistence of gout in a patient with RA? 348

5.16 Relapsing polychondritis.  354

5.17 Salmonellosis in SLE.  365

5.18 Sterno-clavicular arthritis.   370

5.19 SLE with Crohn’s disease.  379

5.20 Intra-cellular infection in SLE.   387

5.21 SLE with protein-losing enteropathy.   402

5.22 SLE patient with necrotizing fasciitis.    410

5.23 SLE with Nocardia infection.   417

5.24 SLE with transverse myelitis.  424

5.25 Sweet’s syndrome (atypical case).  434