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  • (書況不佳,有黃斑,不介意再下單 恕不退書)表解疾病的徵象與症狀30180S-001C

(書況不佳,有黃斑,不介意再下單 恕不退書)表解疾病的徵象與症狀30180S-001C

(書況不佳,有黃斑,不介意再下單 恕不退書)表解疾病的徵象與症狀30180S-001C

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(書況不佳,有黃斑,不介意再下單 恕不退書)

ISBN 9789861263885

作者/出版社 *張晉銓 / 合記

出版年代/版次 2007/1


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原書協作人員 iii

原書序(Preface) xiii

致謝(Acknowledgments) xiii

譯者序 xiv

辭彙(Abbreviations) xv

1 腹部嘈雜聲(Abdominal Bruit) 1

2 腹部腫脹(Abdominal Distension) 2

3 腹部緊繃(Abdominal Guarding) 3

4 腹部腫塊(Abdominal Masses) 4

5 下腹部疼痛(Abdominal Pain in Lower Quadrants) 5

6 上腹部疼痛(Abdominal Pain in Upper Quadrants) 6

7 伴隨反彈痛的腹痛(Abdominal Pain with Rebound Tenderness) 7

8 異常性子宮出血(Abnormal Uterine Bleeding) 8

9 痤瘡(Acne) 9

10 禿髮(Alopecia) 10

11 無月經(Amenorrhea) 11

12 記憶缺失(Amnesia) 12

13 貧血(Anemia) 13

14 腳踝痛/ 腫脹(Ankle Pain / Swelling) 14

15 嗅覺缺失(Anosmia) 15

16 焦慮(Anxiety) 16

17 失語症(Aphasia) 17

18 共濟失調(Ataxia) 18

19 先兆(Aura) 19

20 Babinski氏徵象(Babinski's sign) 20

21 過量出血(Bleeding (Excessive)) 21

22 視覺模糊(Blurred Vision) 22

23 腸音減少(Bowel Sounds - Decreased) 23

25 腸音增加(Bowel Sounds - Increased) 24

25 心搏過慢(Bradycardia) 25

26 乳房腫塊(Breast Masses) 26

27 乳房疼痛與分泌物(Breast Pain & Discharge) 27

28 乳房腫脹(Breast Swelling) 28

29 呼吸音降低(Breath Sounds (Decreased)) 29

30 心臟肥大(Cardiomegaly) 30

31 頸動脈嘈雜聲(Carotid Bruits) 31

32 胸痛(Chest Pain) 32

33 舞蹈症(Chorea) 33

34 慢性疼痛(Chronic Pain) 34

35 便秘(Constipation) 35

36 無痰的咳嗽(Cough - Nonproductive) 36

37 有痰的咳嗽(Cough - Productive) 37

38 爆裂音/水泡音(Crackles / Rales) 38

39 發紺(Cyanosis) 39

40 譫妄(Delirium) 40

41 妄想(Delusions ) 41

42 失智症(Dementia) 42

43 急性腹瀉(Diarrhea - Acute) 43

44 慢性腹瀉(Diarrhea - Chronic) 44

45 複視(Diplopia) 45

46 最大搏動點異位(Displaced PMI) 46

47 頭暈與眩暈(Dizziness / Lightheadedness & Vertigo) 47

48 皮膚乾燥/乾燥症(Dry Skin / Xerosis) 48

49 構音困難(Dysarthria) 49

50 經痛(Dysmenorrhea) 50

51 性交疼痛(Dyspareunia) 51

52 吞嚥困難(Dysphagia) 52

53 呼吸困難(Dyspnea) 53

54 排尿疼痛(Dysuria) 54

55 耳痛(Ear Pain) 55

56 手肘疼痛/腫脹(Elbow Pain / Swelling) 56

57 流鼻血(Epistaxis) 57

58 顏面癱瘓和Bell氏麻痺(Facial Paralysis & Bell's Palsy) 58

59 疲勞(Fatigue) 59

60 發燒(Fever) 60

61 腰痛/肋椎角壓痛(Flank Pain / CVA Tenderness) 61

62 奔馬音和額外的心音(Gallops & Extra Heart Sounds) 62

63 生殖器皮膚病灶(Genital Skin Lesions) 63

64 胃腸道出血─吐血(GI Bleeding - Hematemesis) 64

65 胃腸道出血─黑便與便血(GI Bleeding - Melena & Hematochezia)


66 口臭(Halitosis) 66

67 幻覺(Hallucinations) 67

68 手腳皮疹(Hand and Foot Rashes) 68

69 頭痛(Headache) 69

70 聽覺喪失(Hearing Loss) 70

71 心口灼熱(Heartburn) 71

72 血尿(Hematuria) 72

73 輕偏癱與偏癱(Hemiparesis & Hemiplegia) 73

74 咳血(Hemoptysis) 74

75 痔瘡(Hemorrhoids) 75

76 肝臟腫大(Hepatomegaly) 76

77 沙啞(Hoarseness) 77

78 高鈣血症(Hypercalcemia) 78

79 高血糖症(Hyperglycemia) 79

80 高鉀血症(Hyperkalemia) 80

81 高鈉血症(Hypernatremia) 81

82 色素沈著(Hyperpigmentation) 82

83 反射過強(Hyperreflexia) 83

84 嗜睡(Hypersomnia) 84

85 高血壓(Hypertension) 85

86 感覺遲鈍(Hypesthesia) 86

87 低鈣血症(Hypocalcemia) 87

88 低血糖症(Hypoglycemia) 88

89 低鉀血症(Hypokalemia) 89

90 低鈉血症(Hyponatremia) 90

91 反射減弱(Hyporeflexia) 91

92 低血壓(Hypotension) 92

93 低體溫(Hypothermia) 93

94 失禁(Incontinence) 94

95 失眠(Insomnia) 95

96 心跳節律不規則(Irregular Heart Rhythms) 96

97 Janeway病灶(Janeway Lesions) 97

98 黃疸(Jaundice) 98

99 下頷痛/腫脹(Jaw Pain / Swelling) 99

100 頸靜脈脹大(Jugular Venous Distension) 100

101 膝蓋痛/腫脹(Knee Pain / Swelling) 101

102 下背痛/腫脹(Low Back Pain / Swelling) 102

103 淋巴結腫大(Lymphadenopathy) 103

104 舒張期心雜音(Murmurs - Diastolic) 104

105 收縮期心雜音(Murmurs - Systolic) 105

106 肌肉痛(Myalgia) 106

107 指甲疾患(Nail Disorders) 107

108 鼻塞(Nasal Congestion) 108

109 噁心與嘔吐(Nausea & Vomiting) 109

110 頸部腫塊(Neck Masses) 110

111 頸部僵硬/疼痛(Neck Stiffness / Pain) 111

112 夜間流汗(Night Sweats) 112

113 結節性病灶(Nodular Lesions) 113