什麼時候搶銀行最好?!繼暢銷作品《蘋果橘子經濟學》之後,李維特及杜伯納兩位作者,除了將刊載於部落格的文章重新編撰,此外更邀集各行各業專家抒發己見,當中包括《黑天鵝》作者塔雷伯(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)以及諾貝爾經濟學獎得主康納曼(Daniel Kahneman)等人,並將之集結成冊,還取了如此聳動且爭議的書名。儘管甫出版批評聲浪排山倒海而來,兩人仍將此書出版。一本話題性十足,以經濟學角度提供讀者另類觀察社會之冊。喜愛《蘋果橘子經濟學》的讀者切勿錯過!
The Freakopedia
This is the ultimate guide to the world of the Freak. Renegade thinkers and bestselling sensations Levitt and Dubner have carefully curated the very best of their blogs, conversations, wisecracks and advice from the last decade to reveal the outlandish truth about everything from lying to bankrobbing, fast food to sex taxes.
■李維特/Steven D. Levitt
Steven D. Levitt, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, was awarded the John Bates Clark medal, given to the most influential American economist under the age of forty. He is also a founder of The Greatest Good, which applies Freakonomics-style thinking to business and philanthropy.
■杜伯納/Stephen J. Dubner
Stephen J. Dubner is an award-winning author, journalist, and radio and TV personality. He quit his first career - as an almost-rock-star - to become a writer. He has worked for The New York Times and published three non-Freakonomics books. He lives with his family in New York City.
作者:李維特/Steven D. Levitt、杜伯納/Stephen J. Dubner
版本:UK Edition
規格:小平裝/Mass Market Paperback,11.1 x 18 x 2.6 cm,320頁
出版商:UK Penguin
品牌:Allen Lane
When to Rob a Bank 新書。
When to Rob a Bank. Condition: New.
Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
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