出自雪萊筆下的《科學怪人》為西方文學咸認首部科幻小說,成書於1818年瑞士日內瓦湖畔(Lake Geneva, le Léman);1816年,一來為了逃離前年坦博拉火山(Mount Tambora)噴發火山灰所造成氣候驟變,該年夏季滿天的火山灰致使全球氣溫驟降,史稱無夏之年(Year Without a Summer)。除了躲避這罕見的低溫,二來也是禁不住瑪麗的繼妹克萊兒.克萊蒙特(Claire Clairmont)的說服,芳年十八的雪萊小姐遂偕同男友,亦即日後的夫婿波西.雪萊(Percy Bysshe Shelley),眾人一同前往瑞士造訪拜倫勛爵—亦及大名鼎鼎的詩人拜倫—位於萊芒湖畔的迪奧塔蒂別墅(Villa Diodati)。
而原先的湖畔假期在連日低溫的情況下不得不作罷,大伙只得待在別墅的壁爐前,聊著當時有關於電磁學的科學新發現,並一同閱讀德國文學作品《死神預言》(Fantasmagoriana)的法譯本,在場人士尚有拜倫的家庭醫師約翰.波理多利(John Polidori)以及拜倫當時已懷有身孕的情人克萊兒等人。在百無聊賴之下兼之受到《死神預言》一書的刺激,拜倫提議眾人各自撰寫一則鬼故事,也正是因為這個突發其想,文壇一口氣多了兩本影響後世深遠的文學作品:
一是當代第一本吸血鬼小說的誕生,波理多利撰寫的"The Vampyre"一書首次賦予了吸血鬼貴族的形象,其設定甚至影響了布蘭姆史托克的經典名著《德古拉》(Dracula)。二是拜倫整理起草了關於巴爾幹半島的吸血鬼傳說,雖然拜倫詩作《黑暗》(Darkness)亦源於此時,但實與坦博拉火山爆發有關。第三則是本作亦即瑪麗所撰寫的《科學怪人》。
本作影響之深遠,多年來催生無數的電影、小說與戲劇的誕生。最近的大螢幕改編作品當屬2015年上映的《怪物》(Victor Frankenstein),該齣電影由保羅麥格根(Paul McGuigan)執導,麥斯蘭迪斯(Max Landis)改編,由《X戰警:天啟》詹姆斯麥艾維(James McAvoy)、《哈利波特》丹尼爾雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)、潔西卡布朗芬德莉(Jessica Brown Findlay)、安德魯·史考特(Andrew Scott)與卡倫透納(Callum Turner)等人演出,全球票房高達三千四百多萬美元。
What you create can destroy you.
One freezing morning, a lone man wandering across the Arctic ice caps is rescued from starvation by a ship's captain. That man is Victor Frankenstein and his story is one of ambition, murder and revenge. As a young scientist he pushed moral boundaries in order to cross the final scientific frontier and create life. But his unnatural creation is a monster stitched together from grave-robbed body parts who has no place in the world, and his life can only lead to tragedy.
Written when she was only nineteen, Shelley's gothic tale is one of the greatest horror stories ever written.
■瑪麗.雪萊/Mary Shelley(1797/08/30–1851/02/01)
MARY SHELLEY was born in London on August 17, 1797. Her mother, the celebrated feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft, died a few days after her birth. Her father, William Godwin, a well-known anarchist and atheist writer, tutored Mary. In 1814, when she was sixteen, she fell in love with the married poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and they eloped to France. In 1816 the couple travelled to Lake Geneva to spend the summer with the poet Byron. Mary was inspired to write Frankenstein after Byron arranged a ghost story competition during their stay. In the autumn of 1816 Shelley's pregnant wife drowned herself in the Serpentine in Hyde Park and Shelley immediately married Mary. The couple had four children together but only one son survived infancy. They lived in Italy until Percy's death in a boating accident in 1822. Mary continued to write until her death in London on February 1, 1851. She is buried in Bournemouth.
作者:瑪麗.雪萊/Mary Shelley
版本:Vintage Magic Edition
規格:小平裝/Mass Market Paperback,11.1 x 17.8 x 1.6 cm,240頁
出版商:Penguin Random House
品牌:Vintage Classics
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