心靈作家羅卓.林茲勒繼《當佛陀走進酒吧》後,專為新世代所寫,藉由佛陀的智慧,讓你的工作有意義、如願滿足並互利互惠。林茲勒以其對於佛教教義與佛陀教誨的研究,引領讀者經藏智慧法海,在工作、家庭與生活當中,取得平衡,進而達到身心靈安頓。如果你喜愛《當佛陀走進酒吧》,那您更不能錯《當佛陀走進辦公室 》。
Wisdom for "Generation Next" on how to make your work meaningful, satisfying, and of benefit to others
Does it ever seem that a lot of the people you work with are, well, jerks? This book is about how not to let work turn you into one of them. Apply the simple Buddhist teachings and practices Lodro Rinzler provides here to whatever you do for a living, and you'll not only avoid jerk-hood, but you'll be setting out on the path toward making your livelihood an expression of your inherent wisdom, honesty, and compassion. You'll discover practical ways to bring mindfulness into administrative support, cabinet-making, financial management, nursing, truck-driving, or latté-brewing. In the process, you'll discover genuine empathy for the folks you once found so difficult. You'll also learn leadership skills that apply compassion to management in a way that increases happiness along with efficiency.
This is career advice of the profoundest kind, geared toward today's twenty- and thirty-something workers and job-seekers whose employment outlook is radically different from that of a generation ago. As Lodro shows, even if the path of work shifts beneath your feet, it's possible to make your livelihood a source of satisfaction and of deep meaning.
■羅卓.林茲勒/Lodro Rinzler
LODRO RINZLER is a teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage and founder of the Institute for Compassionate Leadership. His columns appear regularly in the Huffington Post and Marie Claire, and his writings have appeared in Reality Sandwich, the Interdependence Project, the Shambhala Sun, Buddhadharma, and the Good Men Project. He is also the author of The Buddha Walks into a Bar . . ., Sit Like a Buddha, and Walk Like a Buddha: Even if Your Boss Sucks, Your Ex Is Torturing You, and You're Hungover Again.
作者:羅卓.林茲勒/Lodro Rinzler
版本:First Edition
規格:平裝/Paperback,14.1 x 21.6 x 1.8 cm,192頁
The Buddha Walks into the Office 新書。
The Buddha Walks into the Office new book.
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