From one of America's most respected critics comes an acclaimed biography of the controversial feminist. Here, Heilbrun illuminates the life and explores the many facets of Steinem's complex life, from her difficult childhood to the awakening that changed her into the most famous feminist in the world. Intimate and insightful, here is a biography that is as provocative as the woman who inspired it.
■格洛麗亞.斯坦因/Gloria Marie Steinem
格洛麗亞.斯坦因,一九卅四年三月廿五日生於美國俄亥俄州托雷多市。美國知名猶太女權主義者,為廿世紀六十年代後期至七十年代女權運動代表人物,多年來獲獎無數。斯坦因藉由其知名度,募得眾多資金以成立許多組織,系統性推動其政治主張,同時擔任《紐約》雜誌專欄作家並創辦《Ms.》雜誌。一九六九年,斯坦因發表其著名論點〈黑人擴權,女權繼起〉(After Black Power, Women's Liberation),以表達其支持墮胎之立場,並在眾多媒體推波助瀾下,一躍成為全美第二波女權運動知名領袖人物。
Gloria Marie Steinem is an American journalist and social-political activist who emerged as a nationally recognized leader of second-wave feminism in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
作者:卡洛琳.海爾布倫/Carolyn G. Heilbrun
版本:First Edition
規格:精裝/Hardback,16.4 x 24.1 x 4.1 cm,452頁
出版商:The Dial Press
Condition: Good. Pre-owned book. No missing pages nor anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text. All pages are intact. With dust jacket.
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