素有「科幻小說界的莎士比亞」與「科幻小說之父」美稱之英國科幻大家 H.G.威爾斯,影響後世深遠的重大作品,科幻小說的里程碑。自一八九七年發刊至今,曾數度改編為廣播、舞台、電視連續劇及大螢幕。最為著名版本為二○○五年由史蒂芬史匹柏執導,好萊塢巨星湯姆克魯斯領銜主演,影星提姆羅賓斯、達科塔芬妮、米蘭達奧圖等人聯合演出,票房高達六億美元之譜。
For a time I believed that mankind had been swept out of existence, and that I stood there alone, the last man left alive.
When a strange, meteor-like object lands in the English countryside, the inhabitants of Earth find themselves victims of a terrible attack. Ruthless Martians, armed with heat rays and poisonous smoke, are intent on destroying humanity. As the unnamed narrator struggles to find his way across decimated wastelands, the fate of the planet hangs in the balance…
First serialised in 1897, The War of the Worlds terrified and thrilled its readers, the fictional alien invasion evoking a new and hair-raising idea: we are not alone. The imagination of H.G. Wells has had a lasting and significant impact on the science fiction genre, and continues to inspire the work of countless writers, artists and directors to this day.
■H.G.威爾斯/Herbert George Wells(1866/09/21–1946/08/13)
英國著名小說家赫伯特.喬治.威爾斯,通稱H.G.威爾斯(H. G. Wells),除了作家身分,亦為新聞記者、政治家、社會學家及歷史學家。威爾斯所創作之科幻小說與概念對日後科幻小說創作領域影響深遠,如穿越時空、外星人入侵、反烏托邦等皆為廿世紀科幻小說中主流題材。科幻作家布萊恩.阿爾迪斯(Brian Aldiss)將之喻為「科幻小說界的莎士比亞」,足見其崇隆地位。
H. G. Wells was a prolific author and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times. He is best remembered for his science fiction novels, and is considered a founding father of the genre. His most notable works include The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds. He died in 1946.
作者:H.G.威爾斯/H. G. Wells
系列:Collins Classics
規格:小平裝/Massmarket Paperback,11.1 x 17.1 x 1.7 cm,240頁
出版商:HarperCollins Publishers
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The War of the Worlds new book.
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