奧黛麗赫本 Audrey Hepburn MOVIE ICONS 好萊塢永恆巨星 Hollywood 攝影寫真 自傳傳記

奧黛麗赫本 Audrey Hepburn MOVIE ICONS 好萊塢永恆巨星 Hollywood 攝影寫真 自傳傳記

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赫本活躍於五零至六零年代好萊塢影壇,向來以優雅的氣質和卓越出眾的衣著品味著稱。一九五四年年方廿四歲的奧黛麗.赫本以電影《羅馬假期》(Roman Holiday)榮獲第廿五屆奧斯卡影后的殊榮。影壇資歷超過卅年的奧黛麗.赫本並非屬於量產型演員,肇因於重質不重量的原則,讓赫本多達半數以上的作品被列為影史經典。


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For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

—— Audrey Hepburn


—— 奧黛麗赫本

Her beauty has proved timeless - should we be surprised? Equally graceful whether moving or standing still, blessed with a balletic poise, luminous dark eyes, and an exquisite profile a queen might envy, Audrey Hepburn would no doubt have become famous in her youth even of the movies hadn't found her - simply because no self-respecting camera could resist her.What sets her iconic beauty apart now, for us, more than a decade after she's quit the stage of this life, is that her physicality is oddly secondary. Her extraordinary good looks merely halo a still-living smile.

"The Hollywood Icon" series: People talk about Hollywood glamour, about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren't actors but were icons. Other people talk about these things, Taschen shows you.

"Hollywood Icons" is a series of photo books that feature the most famous movie icons in the history of cinema. These 192-page books are visual biographies of the stars. For each title, series editor Paul Duncan has painstaking selected approximately 150 high quality enigmatic and sumptuous portraits, colorful posters and lobby cards, rare film stills, and previously unpublished candid photos showing the stars as they really are.

These images are accompanied by concise introductory essays by leading film writers; each book also includes a chronology, a filmography, and a bibliography, and is peppered with apposite quotes from the movies and from life.

■奧黛麗赫本/Audrey Hepburn(1929/05/04–1993/01/20)

奧黛麗.凱瑟琳.赫本–路斯頓(Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston),出生於比利時布魯塞爾,英國知名音樂劇與電影女演員,晚年曾經擔任聯合國兒童基金會(The United Nations Children's Fund)親善大使。

赫本活躍於五零至六零年代好萊塢影壇,向來以優雅的氣質和卓越出眾的衣著品味著稱。一九五四年年方廿四歲的奧黛麗.赫本以電影《羅馬假期》(Roman Holiday)榮獲第廿五屆奧斯卡影后的殊榮。影壇資歷超過卅年的奧黛麗.赫本並非屬於量產型演員,肇因於重質不重量的原則,在其慎選劇本及合作導演的一貫堅持下,讓赫本多達半數以上的作品被列為影史經典,例如《羅馬假期》、《第凡內早餐》(Breakfast at Tiffany's)和《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)、《龍鳳配》(Sabrina),等為後世所熟知經典代表作。

當中又以一九五三年與著名影星葛雷哥萊.畢克(Gregory Peck)主演的電影《羅馬假期》最為人所稱道,由於電影成功刻畫公主與報社記者間純真的感情,讓這齣電影隨即在世界各地掀起風潮,而影片當中完美襯托赫本高雅氣質的赫本頭,以及載著兩人遊遍羅馬大街小巷的帥氣機車偉士牌(Vespa),更成了當年人們競相模仿的時尚風潮!隔年三月廿五日,奧黛麗.赫本更藉著本片一舉榮獲榮獲奧斯卡最佳女主角獎。


作者:F. X. Feeney

編輯:Paul Duncan

攝影:Kobal Collection

規格:軟精裝/Hardback Soft Cover,14.7 x 20 x 1.6 cm,192頁






Condition: Good. Pre-owned book without missing pages nor anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text. All pages are intact, no highlighting of text, no writing in margins. No missing pages. With dust jacket.

"I have a better suppose, Sabrina.

Suppose I were ten years younger.

Suppose you weren't in love with David.

Suppose I asked you to... I suppose I'm just talking nonsense."

—— Linus Larrabee

電影《龍鳳配》(Sabrina)當中,隨著赫本緩緩地唱著艾迪特.皮雅芙(Édith Piaf)的《玫瑰人生》(La Vie en rose),本該是浪漫玫瑰色彩的粉紅人生,此刻竟也蘊含了一絲苦澀。


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