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The 7 Principles to Conquer Obstacles,

Make Effective Decisions, and Create

a Life on Your Own Terms

The Power

of Agency

Paul Napper

Anthony Rao





Discover the seven tools you need to worry less and do more!

"The deceptive simplicity of The Power of Agency is rooted in the authors' close acquaintance with the complexity of modern life; their genius lies in their ability to show us precisely how to run our own lives rather than to allow our lives to run us."

—Edward Hallowell, M.D., author of Driven to Distraction

Introducing The Power of Agency, a science-backed approach to living life on your own terms. Agency is the ability to act as an effective agent for yourself—reflecting, making creative choices, and constructing a meaningful life. Grounded in extensive psychological research, The Power of Agency gives you the tools to help alleviate anxiety, manage competing demands and help you live your version of success.

Renowned psychology experts Paul Napper and Anthony Rao will help you break through your state of overwhelm by showing you how to access your personal agency with seven empowering principles: control stimuli, associate selectively, move, position yourself as a learner, manage your emotions and beliefs, check your intuition, deliberate and then act.

Featuring stories of people who have successfully applied these principles to improve their lives, The Power of Agency will give you the insights and skills to build your confidence, conquer challenges, and live more authentically.

■保羅.納帕/Paul Napper

Paul Napper leads a management psychology practice. His client list includes Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, universities, and start-ups. He held an advanced fellowship during a three-year academic appointment at Harvard Medical School (HMS).

With Anthony Rao, Paul is the co-author of The Power of Agency.

■安東尼.拉奧/Anthony Rao

Anthony Rao has more than twenty years experience working with children and families from all over the country, previously at Harvard Medical School and currently in his own practice. He holds a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University and has supervised extensively at Children's Hospital in Boston.

Dr. Rao is the author of two books that address the impact of rapid change and contemporary trends on the well-being of the modern American family. He speaks regularly at conferences, organizations, universities, and conducts workshops throughout the country. He was the featured expert on documentaries for MTV's True Life series and the Arts & Entertainment Channel series Investigative Reports. He's been interviewed for articles in The New Yorker, Parent's Magazine, The Washington Times, and the Toronto Globe and Mail. His editorials and opinions have appeared in the Boston Globe, Newsweek, Scientific American, and New York Magazine.

作者:安東尼.拉奧/Anthony Rao

   保羅.納帕/Paul Napper

版本:International Edition

規格:精平裝/Trade Paperback,15.7 x 23.6 x 2.5 cm,336頁


品牌:St. Martin's Press




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