戰爭與和平牛津大學版 War and Peace 托爾斯泰 Leo Tolstoy Oxford 拿破崙 俄羅斯 電視原

戰爭與和平牛津大學版 War and Peace 托爾斯泰 Leo Tolstoy Oxford 拿破崙 俄羅斯 電視原

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War and Peace

The definitive translation newly revised

Leo Tolstoy


Life did not stop, and one had to live.

托爾斯泰筆下的歷史長篇小說《戰爭與和平》(Война́ и миръ)於1865年至1867刊行,並於1869年集結成冊;自稱對文學有「狂戀式的愛情」的托爾斯泰,則是前前後後投入了十餘年的光陰,才得以完成這部劃時代的鉅著。



本版由艾爾默.莫德(Aylmer Maude)以及路易絲.莫德(Louise Maude)夫妻檔聯手翻譯。旅居蘇俄多年的莫德夫婦,不僅專擅於托爾斯泰的作品,更是托爾斯泰的好友,更曾為托爾斯泰做傳《The Life of Tolstoy》。搬離蘇俄後,莫德夫婦定居英國,晚年致力於翻譯托爾斯泰作品。本修訂版後由紐約市立大學(City University of New York)比較文學教授艾美.曼道柯爾(Amy Mandelker)修訂與專文導讀。

'If life could write, it would write like Tolstoy.' Isaac Babel

Tolstoy's epic masterpiece intertwines the lives of private and public individuals during the time of the Napoleonic wars and the French invasion of Russia. The fortunes of the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys, of Pierre, Natasha, and Andrei, are intimately connected with the national history that is played out in parallel with their lives. Balls and soirees alternate with councils of war and the machinations of statesmen and generals, scenes of violent battles with everyday human passions in a work whose extraordinary imaginative power has never been surpassed. The prodigious cast of characters, both great and small, seem to act and move as if connected by threads of destiny as the novel relentlessly questions ideas of free will, fate, and providence. Yet Tolstoy's portrayal of marital relations and scenes of domesticity is as truthful and poignant as the grand themes that underlie them.

In this revised and updated version of the definitive and highly acclaimed Maude translation, Tolstoy's genius and the power of his prose are made newly available to the contemporary reader.

列夫.托爾斯泰/Лев Николаевич Толстой/Leo Tolstoy(1828/09/09—1910/11/20)


作者:列夫.托爾斯泰/Leo Tolstoy

翻譯:艾爾默.莫德 Aylmer Maude、路易絲.莫德 Louise Maude

導讀:艾美曼道柯爾 Amy Mandelker

叢書系列:牛津世界文學經典 Oxford Worlds Classics

規格:平裝/Paperback Edition,12.8 x 19.6 x 4.7 cm,1392頁

出版商:牛津大學出版社/Oxford University Press

版本:牛津大學修訂版/OUP Oxford; Revised Edition




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