《英倫情人》作者麥可.翁達傑又一文壇鉅獻。這回翁達傑將帶領讀者回到爵士年代濫觴美國紐奧良,一窺知名喇叭手巴帝.博登(Buddy Bolden)的生平,何以巴帝日後得以名揚樂壇、甚至成為潮流先驅,翁達傑都將在本書中呈現予讀者。喜好爵士樂的書迷請勿錯過。
The novel is a fictionalized version of the life of the New Orleans jazz pioneer Buddy Bolden. It covers the last months of Bolden's sanity in 1907, as his music becomes more radical and his behavior more erratic. The novel draws on the style of jazz. The structure also conveys Bolden's own wild, fragmenting personality, as his schizophrenia takes hold.
■麥可.翁達傑/Michael Ondaatje
麥可.翁達傑1943年9月12日生於斯里蘭卡可倫坡,唯一名加拿大斯里蘭卡裔小說家與詩人,畢業於加拿大中學主教學院、主教大學與皇后大學。並於多倫多大學取得文學碩士。翁達傑以筆下作品《英倫情人》聞名於世,後改編為同名奧斯卡得獎電影。作品更榮獲1992年布克獎(Booker Prize)的肯定。
Michael Ondaatje is the author of many books, including In the Skin of a Lion, The Collected Works of Billy the Kid, and Running in the Family. In 1970 he won the Governor's Award for the Collected Works of Billy the Kid and Running in the Family.
作者:麥可.翁達傑/Michael Ondaatje
版本:Reprint Edition
規格:平裝/Paperback,14.1 x 21.4 x 1.3 cm,160頁
出版商:House of Anansi
Condition: Good. Pre-owned title with no missing pages or anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text. All pages are intact, with dust jacket.
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