You turn if you want to, the lady's not for turning.
1980年,柴契爾夫人於保守黨大會上堅定而強硬的答覆成了永留後世的名言,她說道:「對那些正屏氣凝神等待著時下媒體的口頭禪,所謂『髮夾彎』成真的人,我只有一句話奉送:你要轉彎隨便你,但老娘我可是毫不妥協的。」(You turn if you want to, the lady's not for turning.)」。「Not for turning」一詞也正足以說明柴契爾夫人在政治上的鐵腕作風,然而也正是鐵娘子永不妥協的強硬態度造成英國的分裂。
'The best book yet written about Lady Thatcher.'
-The Times
One of the boldest and most influential women in postwar politics, Margaret Thatcher's lasting impact on twentieth-century history is undeniable. From her humble, small-town upbringing to her rise to power as Great Britain's first female prime minister, to her dramatic fall from grace after more than three decades of service, celebrated biographer John Compbell delves into the story of this fascinating woman's life as never before. The result of more than nine years of meticulous research, The Iron Lady is the only balanced, unvarnished portrait of one of the most vital and controversial figures of our time.
■柴契爾夫人/Margaret Hilda Roberts(1925/10/13–2013/04/08)
瑪格麗特.希爾達.羅伯茨一般稱為柴契爾夫人,英國政治家,1979年至1990年為英國首相,1975年至1990年為保守黨領袖,是英國第一位女首相,亦是20世紀英國連任時間最長的首相。柴契爾生前因強烈抨擊蘇聯政府因而曾被一位前蘇聯記者稱為「鐵娘子」(The Iron Lady),而此綽號亦反映了其拒絕妥協的政治立場和領導風格;其首相任期內的一系列政策與主張被後世稱為「柴契爾主義」。
柴契爾夫人任內挑戰不斷,內政方面時值英國工業衰退、通膨及失業嚴重以及北愛爾蘭、1984年的全國礦工大罷工等諸多棘手問題;外政則有1982年4月所爆發的福克蘭群島戰爭(Falklands War),以及隨後與時任中國國務院總理的趙紫陽雙方所簽訂的《中英聯合聲明》、對蘇聯領導人戈巴契夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)釋出善意,雙方並於1984年會面,另外則是與歐洲共同體(European Community)之間的扞格,抨擊布魯塞爾的專斷等。
■約翰.坎貝爾/John Campbell
John Campbell is a leading political biographer. His other books include Lloyd George, Pistols at Dawn: Two Hundred Years of Political Rivalry from Pitt and Fox to Blair and Brown, and Edward Heath, for which he won the NCR Book Award. He lives in England.
作者:約翰.坎貝爾/John Campbell
版本:Abridged Edition
規格:平裝/Paperback,14.2 x 21.5 x 3.7 cm,566頁
出版商:Penguin Books
商標:Penguin USA
Condition: Good. Pre-owned book with no missing pages nor anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text. All pages are intact, no highlighting of text, no writing in margins. No missing pages. With dust jacket.
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