適應力 如何在突如其來的劇變中生存 AdaptAbility 雷恩 MJ Ryan 危機處理潛能開發 心理勵志

適應力 如何在突如其來的劇變中生存 AdaptAbility 雷恩 MJ Ryan 危機處理潛能開發 心理勵志

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Our first reaction to change we didn't ask for may be to rail against fate. But what if we could see past today's turmoil and spot the opportunities that lie within unasked-for change?


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How to Survive Change

You Didn't Ask For


M.J. Ryan


吾人常說:「改變很難」,而然面對突如其來的劇變更難。生活在今日艱鉅的年代,我們得被迫改造事業抑或精簡生活;在人生的任何階段,我們可能失去所愛或放棄夢想。面對這類意料之外改變,我們的反應不啻抱怨老天,然而如果我們能洞察今日的紛亂,著眼於背後所隱藏的機會呢?而這正是暢銷作家及執行指導 M. J. 雷恩這本典範轉移的新作《適應力》這本書對您的保證,讓您不僅止於生存,更讓您在這劇變的時代欣欣向榮。


"Change is hard," we say, and it is even harder when change is thrust upon us. In today's tough times, we may be forced to reinvent our career or downsize our lives; at any point in life, we may lose a love or a dream. Our first reaction to change we didn't ask for may be to rail against fate. But what if we could see past today's turmoil and spot the opportunities that lie within unasked-for change? That is the promise of AdaptAbility, bestselling author and executive coach M. J. Ryan's paradigm-shifting new book on not merely surviving but thriving when change is required.

Why is it so hard to accept change? Paradoxically, it is for the very reason that our brains usually work so well; we are designed to learn something and make it automatic. The problem is that when circumstances change, our "efficient" brains keep trying to do things the same old way. In AdaptAbility, Ryan provides strategies to retrain your brain and optimize your response to change, step by step: by first accepting the new reality, then expanding your options, and finally, taking effective action. She offers cutting-edge tools for becoming calmer, less fearful, and more flexible, creative, and resourceful in your thinking. Best of all, as your "adapt-ability"increases, so does your confidence that you will be able to face whatever life sends your way and find new ways to flourish.

■M. J. 雷恩/M. J. Ryan

M. J. Ryan, internationally recognized as a leading change expert, is one of the creators of the New York Times bestselling Random Acts of Kindness series and the author of This Year I Will . . . , The Happiness Makeover, The Power of Patience, Trusting Yourself, and Attitudes of Gratitude, among other books. A member of Professional Thinking Partners, she specializes in coaching individuals and teams around the world. She has appeared on the Today show and CNN, and is a contributing editor to Good Housekeeping and Health. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and daughter.

作者:M. J. 雷恩/M. J. Ryan

版本:First Edition

規格:精裝/Hardback,13.9 x 19.8 x 2.3 cm,230頁

出版商:Crown Publishing Group

品牌:Broadway Books





Condition: Good. Pre-owned book with dust jacket.


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