

  • {{ productHasDiscount ? '原價' : '售價' }}   $ {{ productPrice }}
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原書名:The Art of the Dragon Prince [Hardcover]

精裝: 200頁
出版商: Dark Horse Books (August 18, 2020)
語言: 英文
國際書碼(ISBN-10): 1506717780
國際書碼(ISBN-13): 978-1506717784
尺寸:23.4 x 2.3 x 31.1 cm







庫存量 {{ stockText }}
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Delve into the world of Marvel's Avengers in this extraordinary collection of art. Packed with concept art, final designs, storyboards, and artist commentary.

Assemble your team of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, embrace your powers, and live your Super Hero dreams. In a future with Super Heroes outlawed and the Avengers disbanded, a young Kamala Khan must reassemble the Avengers to stop AIM. Marvel's Avengers is an epic, action-adventure journey with new Heroes and new narrative delivered on an on-going basis, for the definitive Avengers gaming experience.

Marvel's Avengers: The Art of the Game features intimate studies of the Avengers, their designs, outfits, gear, and abilities, plus a detailed look at the different environments and missions in the game. Unmasking the artistry behind the hotly anticipated videogame, this showpiece hardback book contains exclusive concept sketches, character art, storyboards, and fully rendered scenes alongside fascinating insights into the creative process from the talented creators of the game.



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